Food Futuring Tours
A participatory visionary lab to think and thinker the future of food at the EXPO 2015 in Milan
Food Futuring Tours (FFT) explored new ways to engage citizens’ views about an urgent and complex issue: to feed the planet with quality. The project gathered insights, imaginative ideas and expectations about food futures through a debate with citizens who are usually involved only as consumers.
Conducted at EXPO2015 in Milan, this initiative offered a safe space that stimulated and challenged citizens to imagine food futures – including food production, distribution and consumption. It allowed the participants to view the EXPO as a place where prevalent narratives of food futures could be contested and questioned, developing alternative scenarios.
A key element in anticipatory governance is the involvement of civil society and not only of those considered as “experts”. FFT project shows how institutions can work with citizens to promote such dialogues about the future.

Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment/National Research Council (IREA-CNR) and The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Directorate I – Competences: one research fellow and three senior researchers
Project timeframe
From May 2015 until October 2015
Project Location
Milan, ITALY
Irene Tomasoni tomasoni.i[at]
Alba L’Astorinalastorina.a[at]
Ângela Guimarães Pereiraangela.pereira[at]
Alessia Ghezzi alessia.ghezzi[at]